Warrington North Newsletter: January Newsletter
5th February 2021
Gender Inequalities in the Furlough Scheme
8th February 2021
Warrington North Newsletter: January Newsletter
5th February 2021
Gender Inequalities in the Furlough Scheme
8th February 2021

Stop the Universal Credit Cut


Charlotte submitted a Written Question to the Department for Work and Pensions on the proposed £20 per week cut to Universal Credit, which is due to come into force in April this year.

In response, the Minister has said that they will 'look at the economic and health context before making any decisions' on ending this cut.

Charlotte said:

"If that is the case then the Government should make their decision very quickly- families on Universal Credit in Warrington are really struggling at this time and to take £20 per week out of their household budget would be absolutely devastating.

The economic case is clear- families need this money to keep afloat and, in turn, they will spend it in our local economy in Warrington. The health case is equally clear- there is a strong link between poverty and poor health outcomes, which would be exacerbated by this proposed cut."
